1. Legal Mentions

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83700 Saint-Raphaël
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Intellectual property

All contents published on ecocontact.eu (graphics, texts, wordings, trademarks, images, videos) are the property of AMC, its co-contractors or partners. Any full or partial reproduction of the content of this website, in any form or by any means shall be subjet to AMC Eprior authorisation. All information, content, file or software available on ecocontact.eu is protected by the French and international laws regarding intellectual property and copyright.

Any reproduction, representation, copy, display or distribution and the content is not authorized by AMC if the user of Ecocontact® has no property rights. Using contents without authorisation is a fraud to AMC rights and/or may constitute copyright infringement, severely punished by the Intellectual property Code. In no event shall AMC be liable for and party’s rights violation of ecocontact.eu users who would perpetrate the violation through its activity on ecocontact.eu


Cookies policy

During ecocontact.eu consultation, cookies are stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Ecocontact.eu is sensitive to the needs and expectations of our readers. This is the reason why we use cookies, so that you can login and access your account for example. This page gives you a better understanding of cookie settings and how they work.

Definition of a cookie

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone that makes it possible to save and track data about your use of the website, your accessed advertisings and to lead you to the appropriate services adapted to your communication terminal. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser.

The different cookies on our website:

  • Ecocontact.eu cookies: cookies are set on your terminal in order to answer and optimize your search on our website.
  • Third-party cookies: These are set by other companies to find out your interests and possibly expend the advertising offer on or outside our website. Cookies can be left when browsing our website or clicking on ads. In the context of our partnerships, we particularly care about their strict accordance to the modified Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978 and also ensure that the appropriate security and data confidentiality protection are implemented.

Managing your cookie preferences

You can easily disable and/or delete cookies from your computer, tablet or mobile phone by managing your browser settings.
We recommend not to disable cookies strictly necessary for the website to function. This would prevent you from ordering online and enjoying the services of ecocontact.eu.
In order to manage cookies to best suit your needs, please bear in mind the purpose of cookies when setting your browser. Please find below instructions about managing and disabling cookies, depending on your browser:

  • Internet Explorer: go to the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”, click on “Confidentiality”, then click on “Advanced”. In the “Cookies” window, select your preferences.
  • Firefox: go to the “Tools” then “Options” menu (for Windows) and “Preferences” (for Mac), click on the “Privacy” settings, select “Use custom settings for history” and select your preferred option(s) on the “Accept cookies from sites” section.
  • Safari: click on “Safari”, then “Preferences”, click on the “Privacy tab”, go to “Block cookies” and select your preferred option(s).
  • Google Chrome: click the Chrome menu, the upper right button, select “Settings” then click on “Show advanced settings” and in the “Privacy” section, click the “Content settings” button. Then select your preferred option(s) in the “Cookies” section.

Comments, critics & communication

According to the moderation rules, comments left by the users on the ecocontact.eu webpages are proofread and moderate by AMC before their publication on the website. If the ecocontact.eu users proposed comments break the law or the ethic (abusive advertising, defamatory statement, insults, outside context comments etc.) and/or are in conflict with the editorial politic of ecocontact.eu, AMC reserves the discretionary right to refuse or to modify the related comment.

Personal data

By registering on ecocontact.eu (in particular for an account opening or by subscribing to ecocontact.eu’s available services), the user commits to providing complete, correct and honest information. The communication of false information is against the present general terms as well as in the conditions of use. In accordance with the provisions of French law no.78-17 dated 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, the automated processing of personal data carried out using this Internet website is subject to a declaration to the CNIL, the French Data Protection Authority, under the number 1999682. Only AMC  is holder of information that you communicate to them. You can exercise you rights of access, rectification, cancellation and infringe on its treatment at any time. You can ask to no longer receive these e-mails by clicking on the specified link, which appears at the bottom of each email sent by ecocontact.eu